The question is not whether we have time to do it, we always
fail, but it is taking time!
It is a big role of the parents to rear their children so
much and care for them in order to be productive citizens someday. It is in
this whole scenario or perspective that parents can give the best upshot to
their children to do something great for the country. It is their
responsibility to support them in terms of temporal and spiritual things; most
importantly, their education caters a lot to the success and endless protection
of the family and country as well. It is true that we should stress out how
lucky we are…as parents to provide them best education, guidance and proper
nutrition so that someday they will be our great leaders not only for the
family members but also for the people around us as prolific citizens of our
We can’t deny the fact that parents must find ways and
means to support them temporally and spiritually. Parents can give their
children presents better than to give themselves devoting their time. As the
saying goes, “If the parents were to start with proper guidance and right
education of their children, they would spend more time with them." It was
realized that the moments of fun and relaxation spent with family are the most
precious memories of children.
A merchant asked his pal: "Do you know what I'm going
to give my son for Christmas?" He showed him a piece of paper on which he
had written: "To my son, I'll hang out with you every day of the week, and
we will use it as you please…" We can’t reiterate it enough to say words
or potent message: parents can give their children gifts better than to give
themselves devoting their time. My question we have time to do it? The
question is not whether we have time to do it, we always fail, but it is taking
In a certain family, individual activities are as important
as those who performed in groups. Parents should provide from time to time in
each of their children the opportunity to spend time alone with them. Children
will enjoy a lot having for a while “dad or mom” just for them. One day or more
of being together at all times, the whole family is very delighted to go to the
zoo or place where there is tranquility or fresh air everywhere flashing unto
their countenances—free from pollution.
A number of medical practitioners, especially those people
who worked among the orphans of World War II have realized one thing: “Children
who were recovering without too much trouble were precisely those who
remembered spending quality time with family.” Again, to reiterate, people who
worked among the orphans of World War II have realized one thing: “Children who
were recovering without too much trouble were precisely those who remembered
spending quality time with family.”
To give emphasis to the importance of family, people who
worked among the orphans have realized one thing: “Children who
were recovering without too much trouble were precisely those who remembered
spending quality time with family.” … that means spending quality time together
as a family, it is just like taking time for each other to discuss around a
table, to help each other for the realization of a project, and perhaps to play
a game that everyone can participate. As they popularly and correctly say, “A
family that prays together stays together.”
Finally, it is a big role of the parents to rear their
children so much and unconditionally love them in order to be productive
citizens someday. It is in this positive situation that parents can give the
best support to their children to do something great for the country. It is
their responsibility to reach out in terms of temporal and spiritual things;
most importantly, their education caters to the success of the family and
country as well.
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