The effective teachers must have the mastery of the subject matter. That is true! In order for them to gain the mastery of the subject matter, they have to know first the fundamental rules or principles of absorbing the contents or subject matters before imparting all-out knowledge to their students. Teachers should encourage their students to ask questions, to give their viewpoints, reactions or comments.
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Thought flows in terms of stories...
Stories about events, stories about people, and stories about intentions and achievements. The best teachers are the best story tellers. We learn in the form of stories-Frank Smith. An educational system isn't worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but doesn't teach them how to make a life-Author Unknown.
Photo of the Month: Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Minglanilla, Cebu, Philippines
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Minglanilla, Cebu, Philippines: Charge of the Education Doctor singles out this MINGLANILLA CHURCH PHOTO for the month of January, 2014. This church was established by the Augustinians in 1878. The present church was established two years later, with light materials. Its stone convent was constructed from 1877 to 1886. . That's why it is considered Picture of the Month by the 10 groups of students who voted for the photo.
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Sunday, January 27, 2013
Teacher must prevent the establishment of bad habits
For the 4 L’s of personal experiences towards linguistic globalization and cultural openness, the teacher needs to face the exciting and creative experience in the classrooms while in the process of teaching the language. Errors should be avoided. If an error is committed, quick correction is desirable in order to prevent the establishment of bad habits.
Manifold blessings and spiritual contentment from God
A cycle of service is the most gift that we can offer to those families who are really in need of help—it maybe spiritual help or financial help. By doing this service, our souls will be lightened or lessened with grief or tribulations. Whatever sorrows that we have experienced in this world, all of them will be replaced with manifold blessings and spiritual contentment from God.
Filipino student must acquire a good command of the language
The outcome of individual or societal integration cannot be achieved unless the student has acquired a command of the language he learns in school. It is through this that his personality adjustment and social participation are achieved, relevant to his future professional and preparatory years in elementary school.
MNSHS journalists compete with other campus writers in the Philippines
The campus journalists competed with other writers and they emerged victorious in different categories of journalistic writing. The contests, both in English and Filipino, were News, Editorial, Feature, Sports, Copyreading and Headlining, Photojournalism, and Editorial Cartooning.
Integrity of the professions provides quality of education
Integrity of the professions, as well as disciplines that will provide quality of education for the nation is consequently the fundamental mileage geared towards deregulation and reorientation of programs for teaching competencies.
Scientific knowledge has advanced in modern times
Experiments represent the means by which scientific knowledge has advanced so rapidly in modern times. Finally, not to be underestimated, demonstrations make the learning of physics much more enjoyable!
Writing a journal makes us think about ourselves and our society
Most of us have different views, definitions and uses of it, still we come up with a unified "implied meaning" that writing a journal is something that reflects society, makes us think about ourselves and our society and allows us to enjoy language and beauty.
Nobody knows I might face the fear in front of cadaver
Leaving could never mean escaping of what has been astonishingly done. I have just thought that man does meet with his fate and he always keeps on moving every now and then. Nobody knows I might face the fear later with the help of “The Almighty.”
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World’s big cats are now under immense pressures of hunting
Just like crocodile and snakeskin products, these wild animals are often poached resulting from endangered species’ gradual annihilation. All trade products are illegal and the world’s big cats are now under immense pressures of hunting. Tiger-skin rugs and coats are sold worldwide, not knowing that they’re illegal.
Laughter has been an emerging panacea of such demonic strengths
As we face another years of happiness and sadness, another bubbling factor affecting our lives is the continuous arousal of superstitious beliefs. As they say, laughter drives evil forces away from the people. We can hardly get out of the root, why laughter has been an emerging panacea of such demonic strengths.
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Cellphones are a menace inside the classroom
There are times that we cannot avoid using it during class hours. While the teacher is discussing in front of us, he doesn’t even know some of his students are not listening to the teacher because of cell phones.
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People are all searching for alibis to disobey the laws
Because of this, people nowadays are impatient. They defy traffic regulations, anti-littered legislation, and express fear and contempt from the law enforcement officers. In fact, people are all searching for alibis to disobey the laws. As the saying goes, “Ignorance of the law excuses no one!”
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Students undergo clear, definite and specific directions for every research activity
The students undergo clear, definite and specific directions for every activity, project, study sheet assignment, and test that should be accomplished by them. Instructions include general instructions for the use of the module as a whole, and specific instructions to be placed in the specific components or units of the module.
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How to write complete learning module on Legal Aspects of Education
The purpose of the legal aspects of education program is to prepare collaborative, proactive educational leaders committed to improving the quality of educational legal knowledge in a variety of organizational contexts. It is designed to acquaint school administrators, teachers, students and parents with fundamental legal issues that impact Philippine elementary and secondary schools.
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Sample Rationale of The Study
Language acquisition could not take place “through habit formation” because language is far too complicated to be learned in such a manner, especially given the brief time available. There is some innate capacity of human beings who get possessed and predisposed them to look for fundamental patterns in language.
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Sample Comprehensive Theoretical Background
Learning is indispensable on the part of students who undergo rigid studies of the language, but teaching involves much more than knowledge of methods. However, a well-versed teacher maybe in psychological and linguistic theories, in techniques and methodologies, this knowledge alone will not assure success.
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Sample Findings of The Research Study
The teacher-researcher found out that the students’ difficulties in oral and written English were speaking or conversational English, including correct usage, listening and answering questions. The causes for these difficulties were: students have poor background in elementary; English is not heard at home; teachers prefer to speak the dialect often; lack or absence of English books...
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Sample Treatment of Data
The Effectiveness of Structured Macro-skills’ Development Lessons in English determined the level of language proficiency, the mean pretest and posttest scores, significant difference in the mean pretest and posttest scores, mean gain posttest scores, including standard deviation, standard error mean and correlations of the macro-skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing.
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The Approaches And Elements of Classroom Management
According to Duke and Mechel, “Students come to realize that the teacher expects them to behave in a certain way in class. Teachers hold students accountable for their actions. Students who disobey rules receive one warning and then are subjected to a series of increasingly more serious sanctions.
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The Life of a Student Through Journalism Is Something That Can’t be Predicted!
This article is a kind of poetic life-genre that
relates the happiness and sadness of a student with an aid of campus
journalism, as well as experiences in life despite the challenges that he
encounters and ultimately works out to make also his life victorious or
undefeated away from hassles and bustles, especially of the worldly things that
surround him.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Glossary of Terms in Mass Media
The following terms utilized in the school mass media study
are defined operationally:
may refer to the instruments accessed by the students of the University of the
Visayas-Minglanilla Campus in making contact with someone for the sake of
acquiring or disseminating information. It could be in the simplest form like
the books to the most complicated ones like the computer-generated equipment.
These sorts of instruments expressed various degrees of influence to the
students, commencing with less to the most critical stage, thereby, presenting
themselves as a threat to the society’s moral conduct.
media-disoriented respondents are the group of students
of the University of the Visayas-Minglanilla Campus, aged 11.75 – 12.75 years
old, who were the respondents of this study. They were not exposed and/or
exposed to only limited media. They have no orientation to the modern media
that they tend to pattern their lives based on the dictates of their own
judgment of what is wrong or what is right—has something to do as the elders of
the society who would accept and appreciate. These sorts of respondents tend to
show a zero degree of influence of mass media as shown also in their answers to
the test that was entirely conducted.
media-less oriented respondents are the group of students
of the University of the Visayas-Minglanilla Campus, aged 12.75 – 14.25 years
old, who were the respondents of this study. They were exposed but not well-acquainted
with the different forms of mass media. Their orientation to the different mass
media seemed not to be always dominant in their actions and to be revealed in
their reactions to the tests given to the respondents in diverse situations.
media-oriented respondents are the group of students of the
University of the Visayas-Minglanilla Campus, aged 14.25 – 16.5 years old, who
were the respondents of this study. They were exposed and well-acquainted with
the different forms of mass media. The orientation that they have from the
media was explicitly revealed by their reactions to the tests given which could
tell the high degree of influence that the media have really affected their
recovery may refer to the process by which the deteriorating
moral standards of students of the University of the Visayas-Minglanilla
Campus; besides, subject to this study is being assessed for the purpose of
rehabilitating with the application of the most appropriate strategy for its
recovery. It is for this reason that the morale of the faculty and school
administrators will continue boosting and continue teaching the students in
order to produce morally upright individuals, and they are competent enough to
face the morally deteriorated society. This will be done through the
inculcation of values education in every subject matter in which the students
are expected to acquire and appreciate the value of the Filipino
cultural-traditional heritage, thus developing a sense of vigilance and having
the necessary attitude towards the mass media.
refers to the test given to the respondents classified as being mass
media-oriented, less oriented and disoriented. This test was composed of
questions intended for the whole sample group in order to determine on what the
actions are motivated by each other after a certain situation is manifested in
the whole study of mass media. The results of this test would determine the
degree and rate of difference among the representative samples, as well as the
necessary actions to aid the campaign on mass media education inside the
University of the Visayas-Minglanilla Campus.
refers to the test given to the respondents of the University of the
Visayas-Minglanilla Campus after the acquisitions of data from the school’s
guidance counselor. The result of the test would serve as the basis for the
classification of the respondents and would determine what sort of questions
would be asked later, applicable to all the respondents.
method refers to the type of method in an experimental research
where the researchers employed only in a single set of subjects from the
University of the Visayas-Minglanilla Campus, High School Department, as the
respondents of the research. The experiment was also conducted inside the
school campus in a definite time frame for the posttest and the pretest by the
different respondents classified as mass media-oriented, less oriented and
disoriented respondents.
refers to the instrument prepared by the researchers of this study as the
medium for acquiring the necessary information. The acquisitions of acts were
dealt with…using the researchers’ own initiatives through the implementation of
suitably designed instruments.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Let's tour together in Tours, France!
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