To defy a culture of apathy and passivity, the birth of a
school paper brings together young campus journalists from Guindaruhan National
High School to compete for accolades in print and broadcast media.
It also has
competitions in online journalism. Besides, Schools Press Conference is the
most prestigious competition for campus journalists and school paper advisers
in the Philippines.
It gives recognition in terms of participation and
winning entries. The conference aims to promote a balance between freedom of
expression and responsible journalism among participants.
Specifically, the
conference shall serve as a venue for student-journalists to:
a.) demonstrate
understanding of the importance of journalism by expressing it through
different journalistic endeavors and approaches.
b.) demonstrate
commitment to support practitioners in the field of journalism by advocating
and integrating them in related school and community initiatives; and
c.) enhance
journalistic competence through healthy and friendly competitions such as
individual, group, radio broadcasting and scriptwriting contests as well as
online writing and desktop publishing.
Lastly, the birth of a school organ at Guindaruhan
National High School is pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 7079.
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